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Like others libraries, Gx supports TypeScript since the version 1.2.0.

It allows you to develop powerful applications and add types checking and also increases the OOP (Object Oriented Programming) concepts on top of JavaScript.

So let see how to configure Gx with TypeScript.


We already know that, to create a Signal we have to use a pre-defined function called createSignal which comes from @dilane3/gx.

So let's see how you can add types on it.

import { createSignal } from "@dilane3/gx";

const counterSignal = createSignal<number>({
name: "counter",
state: 0,
actions: {
increment: (state, payload: number) => {
return state + payload;

decrement: (state, payload: number) => {
return state - payload;

export default counterSignal;

As you can see, createSignal accept a generic type, which refers to the state type. In our case it is just a number because we are creating a counterSignal.


By using a generic type with createSignal, the state parameter inside actions will automatically take this type.

Assuming that, we want to create a userSignal which will be responsible to store informations about the current user connected into our application, we can do it like follow.

Let's create User class first.

export default class User {
private id: number;
private name: string;
private email: string;
private avatar: string;

constructor() {
// Do something here if needed

// Some others functions

Then create our signal

import { createSignal } from "@dilane3/gx";
import User from "src/entities/user";

const userSignal = createSignal<User>({
name: "user",
state: null,
actions: {
login: (state, payload: User) => {
return payload;

logout: (state) => {
return null;

export default userSignal

Too simple and very clean 😇


There is no change with store manipulation. The same javascript code is valid.

import { createStore } from "@dilane3/gx";
import userSignal from "../gx/userSignal";
import counterSignal from "../gx/counterSignal";

export default createStore([userSignal, counterSignal]);



While getting a state from a specific signal, you have to tell to Gx the type that you want to give to your state, because it considers it as any by default.

Let's have an example.

const user = useSignal<User>("user");

By doing like this, Gx will add User type to your user variable directly, so that it will be easy for you to interact with this variable.

useAction & useActions


Since version 1.3.0 of Gx, you can use Generic types with useAction and useActions hooks.

Let's consider the following CounterActions action type:

type CounterActions = {
increment: (payload: number) => void;
decrement: (payload: number) => void;

Then, you can use useActions hook like follow:

const { increment, decrement } = useActions<CounterActions>("counter");

Or, with useAction hook

const increment = useAction<CounterActions>("counter", "increment");

Actions are always void type, because they don't return anything, they just modify the state.



Since version 1.3.0 of Gx, you can use Generic types with useOperations hook.

Let's consider the following ProductsOperations operation type:

type ProductsOperations = {
isProductExists: (payload: { id: number }) => Product | undefined;

Then, you can use useOperations hook like follow:

const { isProductExists } = useOperations<ProductsOperations>("product");



Since version 1.4.0 of Gx, you can use Generic types with useAsyncActions hook.

Let's consider the following MoviesAsyncActions async action type:

import { Movie } from "src/entities/movie";
import { AsyncActionResponse } from "@dilane3/gx";

// The type of the state
type MoviesState = {
movies: Movie[];
loading: boolean;
error: string;

// The type of the async actions
type MoviesAsyncActions = {
fetchMovies: () => AsyncActionResponse<MoviesState, Movie[]>;
createMovie: (payload: Movie) => AsyncActionResponse<MoviesState, Movie>;

Then, you can use useAsyncActions hook like follow:

// Imports MoviesAsyncActions type

const { fetchMovies, createMovie } = useAsyncActions<MoviesAsyncActions>(

The predefined type AsyncActionResponse is a generic type that takes two parameters:

  • The type of the state
  • The type of the response of the async action

The response of the async action is the value that will be returned by the async action.